As a person who also never questioned vaccines and simply followed the protocols I too grew up with, I have to say, I understand your frustrations and lack of understanding behind those who choose to wait on – or entirely avoid – this new vaccine.
Knowing your stance on this issue straight from the beginning and having still read your full response to this issue, I ask that you too, hear me out.
As a parent who watched her perfectly healthy infant spend months fighting for her life while our savings quickly reduced to near bankruptcy after receiving a routine vaccination and as a parent who’s questions were never answered and whom was dismissed at even the consideration of the vaccine playing a role when the timeline clearly fit, and with doctors feeling more comfortable saying “we have no idea where this came from”, I have to ask that you too have some understanding and possibly a little compassion towards those who have chosen – as their right – not to vaccinate.
I have spent 13 years watching this particular vaccine that was around long before my daughter received it. I have seen it move up on the vaccination schedule from 4 months of age to to 12. I have watched as the known listed risks changed to umbrella my daughters condition.
With this consideration in mind, if you were me and had all of this experience I have to ask you, especially as a previous officer who would have looked at all available evidence in a case, does this not justify a cause for hesitation as the world pushes us to receive a brand new – basically untested – vaccine? Are people like myself truly out of line with their “irrational” hesitations and decisions to protect themselves and their family in the way that feels right?
I am not anti-vaccine as we are often labeled, but I am anti-bullying and anti-entitlement. I don’t think it is right for anyone of any stature to push their beliefs on anyone else. Just as I have chosen (despite the obvious impositions) to homeschool my children in order to keep them from our growing over-sexualized educational environment among other negative influences that exist there, I think if parents are that concerned about someone else’s medical choices than they too may consider exercising their right to homeschool and shelter their family accordingly.